
Monday, May 27, 2019

Chess update #2

Baileymate (a game to help them learn how to check and what pieces do what)
Have to put me in check 
Have to use big pieces and then the pawns 
Once you use the big pieces they are stuck 
If you leave one unprotected I take it 

En passant 
Only can do it on the pawns 
When a pawn crosses half way it deserves respect 
You have to give the pawn a chance to respect you by moving just one square to the pawn who is across half way 
If you choose to disrespect that pawn the pawn that has moved past half way can still take you by moving across the diagonal and taking the disrespecting pawn.
You can do it with every pawn on the board 
It must be the two pawns either side of the pawn who deserves respect 
It must happen straight after the pawn has been disrespected, the very next turn. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Aurora Drama Programme Final Play

The Aurora Education Trust is an organisation that provides learning experiences to students who have talents in certain areas.  This year one of the projects was a Drama project that involved 7 days of researching, writing and performing a script about the first encounters in Turanganui. 22 students from 12 schools participated and did a great job working with each other and learning a lot about our history. 

Community leaders were involved and came in to talk, teach and work with the students around this topic.  
  • Chris Green worked with us for 2 session on Drama techniques.
  • Todd Sheridan worked with us on the first landing at Turanganui and the tragedy of those that were killed. 
  • Kata Ngata worked with us on the story of Tupaia. 
  • Albie Gibson from Turanganui Ararau provided cultural advice on the script. 

Here is the programme:

Monday, May 20, 2019

Chess Session #2 - Castling

Games are silent.

  • Get out of check - move, block or capture the opponent.
  • Ladder checkmate or lawnmower check.
  • When you take a piece look at the value of it so that you aren't capturing the powerful pieces.
  • When pawns get to the other side you can swap it for a more powerful piece.
  • Who goes what colour - hands behind back and one person choses.  Next game swap over.

Chess is at least 4000 years old. En passant and Castling is a relatively new move.

Is an important move.  Only move in chess that you can take 2 pieces and move them at the same time.
King side castle:
  1. Kings pawn moves 2 spaces. 
  2. Move your kings knight.
  3. Move king 2 spaces right
  4. Rook jumps over the king.

Castle by the 8th move. You cannot Castle if the king or rook have moved before in the game. 
"I must not Castle out of Check" - you must block it first then castle on next move.
"I must not castle into check".
"I must not castle through check"
You touch it you move it.
Never touch your opponent's pieces - if you touch it you capture it.

Computational Thinking: 
Binary - 0 = off 1 = on  Looking at Truth Tables to get the circuit going needs to be all on to work.
And Gates:  input and out put. And Gate for Checkmate:  Can we block?  Can we move out? Can you capture?  If all questions are true then it is checkmate. 

thanks Matuas! 

Monday, May 6, 2019

Chess lessons from the Eastern Knight Legacy

Today we were lucky to have Noble and Dan come to teach us the basics of chess.  The first of 8 lessons to get our skill up! 

Here's some things we learnt...  Practice up for next time! 

Chess:  letters across x-axis, numbers up y-axis
White on the right correct way to set up the board.
Notation of chess - co-ordinates

Pawns 1 - one square or 2 squares (First move only), cannot go backwards or sideways.  If it gets to the other side it can be promoted.  Can only capture on a diagonal. Pawns can capture all pieces. 
Rook 5 - straight lines cannot jump.
Knight 3 - L shapes 2 down one across any direction. But always L shape. Can Jump.
Bishop 3- diagonal only cannot jump. One on a black and one on a white square. Good idea to capture a bishop to have safe squares.
Queen 9 - Power - diagonals and straight lines.  As many as she wants.
King 0 - Mr Useless he can only move one square at a time. Needs to stay home.

If you call checkmate and it is not check mate then you have lost because it is not correct.

Practice the 2 rook chess move.