
Thursday, July 23, 2020

Can you beat Koka Michelle's maths grid times?

Here is my maths grid results for Term 3.  I got 1 wrong on the first day oops!  I am working on being accurate with my times tables and knowing them off by heart automatically.

This is a graph of my times to see how fast I am at completing 100 times tables!

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Panui e hoa - Read with our friends!

Today we started to learn the skills we will need for our Panui e hoa reading programme! 

We looked at:

  • How to greet our buddy - with a smile, hug, handshake! 

  • How to introduce the book and ask questions about what the story might be about. 

We found a partner and role played this part of the programme.  We found out that it is important to have humour, use patience and ask questions.  Giving hints and lots of compliments are also vital! 

Tomorrow we learn how to ask questions and what are good questions to ask.  We will practice giving compliments!  This is looking like a fun way to get into reading!